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 The Intelligent Organization©

   Like Parachutes Minds Work Only When Open

Sir James Dewar Scottish scientist, 1877-1923 

The Art & Science of Managing Workflow Attention©

  First Step On The Road to Success”

“Ask why Are Employees making costly workflow mistakes?”

Realize They Don’t Know > They Don’t Know©  

Employees Cannot Correct What They Cannot See© 


 Power UP Your Organization with OfficePilot©  

X.pointAnalytics“Worlflow At The Speed of thought”©

  A More Profitable, Real-Time Organization©

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Captains Compass©

AI  Driven Real-Time Workflow  Correction at  The Speed Of Thought@ Home - image resized126163646-300x183 on https://executiveworks.com

Until OfficePilotTM & X.PointAnalyticsTM multiple hiden workflow impediments throughout your organization could not be identified. Workflow routs around the organization were never visable in real time. Maximum income and profit is determined by “time on target” can only achieved if all barriers to workflow are identified, and  Impediments eliminated as close to real-time as possible. Real time detection-corection!

Real-time with OfficePilotTMX.PointAnalyticsTM 

Copyright Images above contain the exact most productive Routsof Workflow in your organizations eliminating guesswork increasing profit! Obviously the most efficient hiden routs of workflow must be identified in real-time for maxium profit! OfficePilot can moniter all workflow,  and correct any barrier to maxium profit with an internet conection from anywhere in five languages!  The result of corections are presented confidentally to the right manager, senior  executive or and employee in a strategy >tactics > metrics confidential report. 

After much research in many organization we found workflow startes in a certain place in all organizations and is mitigated or blocked for the same reasons therefore  the impact of workflow impediments is an obvious  indicater of company survival!

A recent SBA report indicateds 50 % of Companies are failing each year! We found the reasnons are imbedded in organization workflow routing and faulty or non existant reports and faulty hiring practices!

The odds are, at some point, something will get injected into your Organization that will quitely kill it! If you are tracking with XPointAnalyticsTM workflow impediments are detected and corrected real-time!

Are you using an the military orgboard? The obsolete OrgBoard is a non functional camouflaged hole in an organization, a seldom used picture on a wall!  The Orgboard is a military command and control concept outdated for a 21st century speed of thought business organization. Employees  have no real-time workflow methology for impediment dection while trying to work in an internet driven speed of thought world with no workflow data!

AI can find workflow obstuctions, compare, known solutions and make corrections at the speed of light! 

The statics are clear, most businesses go out of business  because of an inability to see what is acually going on within employees and their workflow. Mistakes are transfered employee to employee, never captured for  real-time mitigation! As important, what worked and didn’t is not available to new employees and management! Can you emagine the uncertainty and confusion reduction in a stable management system?

The most valuable interlectual property “what works and dones not work” should not be lost when employees move on!

The blind leading the blind is not too critical an assessment when your company is at stake! Doing the same things expecting different resulults causes conflict and confusion a major waste of time and profit!

Interested in Office Pilot & X.Point Analytics, 50 t0 1000 employees? – Send Us a message    

A valuable unrealized asset is employee workflow mistakes and corrections not curently captured for AI use is  workflow Intellectual Property currently not used to detect and mitigate futue mistakes should be captured as confidential for future evaluation! Detection & correction of workflow  “near real-time” was our design criteria for XpointAnalyticsTM & OfficePilotTM our workflow obstruction detection correction in real-time platform. Every route of workflow was identified codified shown in the image far left in correct sequenct to be the most efficient workflow routing as seen in the tw0 platform workflow images above left and right. The goal was accomplished to rave reviews from employees and management in Halafax Nova Scotiaa in a one-year pilot. The Perfect Organization Platform managed in real-time by X.PointAnalytics & Office Pilot the most powerful business organization workflow Engine ever developed!

Workflow impediments introduced by lack perception, poor training incompetence will drive employee mistakes underground always hidden without methods of  real-time detection and  real-time correction. The reason employees continue making the same mistakes, never detected by management, expecting different results!

The Captain’s CompassTM monitors the status of the Organizations workflow in great detail from any time zone anywhere in the world to accelerate workflow corrections! The Capitan & authorized Managers can see the production of those assigned, in real time or historically, to make organizations struetural adjustments. Reorganizations, which are costly are a thing of the past! 

OfficePilotTM & X.PointAnalyticsTM are Real-Time Workflow Impediment detection mitigation and correction Platforms. Without a system of workflow detection  employee assumptions create errors and conflict adding up to lost time, lost profit!

Our 21st-century business platform OfficePilot is an AI Driven Symmetrical, Synergistic, stable  WorkflowMmanagemnt Platform which can  collect and evaluate everything workflow, in real-time to select and compare employee activity in real-time, while employees are online from anywhere. in five languages! Every route of workflow seen in the image left has been detected and extensively tested operationally in real-time.

Just imagine what a Symmetrical, Synergistic, management and employee stabalizing never needs reorganizing Business Workflow Platform, would do for your bottom line? OfficePilot is an AI Driven Organization Platform monitoring everything workflow in real-time, while online from anywhere! Just imagine what a  Symmetrical, Synergistic, Employee stabalizing Platform, which never needs reorganizing no matter how fast you grow do for your bottom line!Home - image Johnstewart527_1-boost-e1679250878524-300x189 on https://executiveworks.com 

Captains CompasTM Metrics Driven Real-time Captains Management Workflow Compass. The goal was accomplished to rave reviews in a one-year pilot in Halifax Nova Scotia Canada. The Perfect Organization Platform is X.PointAnalytics & Office Pilot; the most powerful workflow management tool in existance!

Maybe you think it isn’ possible, but what if it is possible for such a system to exist? Workflow has specific routing start to finish person to person; therefore, mistakes which are impediments add up person to person. Without early detection employ induced workflow impediments cause conflict and severely reduce profit and usually shorten the life of the company!

Maybe you haven’t noticed profit going down the drain! Why are you operating in the dark? A downward spiral may be suspected but the reasons rarely detected! Impediments in an organization must be detected as close to real time as possible for proper real-time correction, well before impediments it begin to affect employees and then the Organization. How would you like to see deep into your Organization from anywhere with the click of your mouse?How would you like to correct & speed workflow & reduce defection of your best employees? Best to separate the good from the bad as soon as possible! The problem is no Realtime workflow impediment detection system, not possible without X.PointAnalytics & OfficePilot real time employee workflow real-time detection & correction, system! Home - image 6x9_BW_300_green_lighter-1-200x300 on https://executiveworks.comThe Art & Science of Managing Attention is a 21s century way of looking at Management of an organization of any size, much more powerful than you may have first thought! Real time observation of employee workflow was not possible until OfficePilotTM which directs real time attention reporting results of workflow activity seen in images.  Employees who have the correct workflow data in front of them can correct obstructions in real time. Without the right employee platform  an organization will dramatically under perform its potential, most do not survive. The enemies of survival are rarely visible, obstructions are undetectable without real time management tools. The evidence, a large number, over 50% of companies go out of business each year, most never making enough money to be worth the XPoint Analytics Servicestress on family and employees! Business Organizations are expensive real-time people engines of motion, and emotions therefor are complex, hard to manage without the correct tools to detect workflow obstructions mental or otherwise affecting cashflow and profit! Directing attention to the right issues, in real time, at the right, time is the role of senior & middle management but there is no methology or technology for workflow detection, in real time. OfficePilot is an organization wide workflow impediment detection business management platform to detect workflow abstractions in real time. 

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